Patti Valkenburg has been listed among the top 10 authors contributing to the four “central” communication journals from 2017 to 2021. She is the only listed scholar affiliated to a Dutch university. The four central communication journals are: Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Human Communication Research, and Communication Monographs. The acceptance rates of these journals typically lie around 5-8%.
Valkenburg also appeared in the top 15 scholars publishing communication journals in general (24 journals). She succeeded to sustain her position: In earlier bibliometric studies, covering 2007 to 2011 and from 2012 to 2016, she also appeared as one of most prolific communication scholars.
See the bibliometric analysis by Griffin et al. (2023). Scholarly productivity in communication studies: Five-year review (2017–2021). Communication Education, January, 2023.