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Book chapters

Book chapters

  • Valkenburg, P.M., van der Wal, A., Beyens, I. (2024). The impact of social media on adolescents’ mental health. In Van ’t Hof, S., Pijpers, R., Liefaard, T., UNICEF Essay Collection Children’s rights in the digital world.(pp.40-55). UNICEF, Leiden University and Kennisnet.

  • Uhls, Y.T., van der Wal, A., Ellison, N., Collier, A. , Subrahmanyam, K., Valkenburg, P.M. (2025). Adolescents' online communication practices in a digital world. In: Christakis, D.A., Hale, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Children and Screens. (pp.215-221).Springer.

  • Coyne, S. M., Escobar-Viera, C., Bekalu, M. A., Charmaraman, L., Primack, B., Shafi, R., Valkenburg, P., Williams, K. (2025). Social media and mental health: A departure from the status quo. In: Christakis, D.A., Hale, L. (Eds.) Handbook of Children and Screens. (pp. 121–127). Springer.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., van der Wal, A., Beyens, I. (2024). Schermgeluk en schermverdriet: De invloed van social media op de mentale gezondheid van jongeren. In: Van ’t Hof, S., Pijpers, R., Liefaard, T., UNICEF Essayreeks Kinderrechten en digitale technologie. UNICEF, Universiteit Leiden en Kennisnet.

  • Beyens, I., Valkenburg, P. M., Janssen, L.H.C. (2024). Parental Monitoring in the Digital Age. In J. Smetana (Ed.), Handbook of Parental Monitoring and Adolescent Information Management. Cambridge University Press.

  • Neijens, P. & Valkenburg, P. M. (2023). A 25-year history of the Amsterdam School of Communication Research: How Technological and Societal Developments Shaped the Agenda of the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. In P. Neijens & T Araujo (Eds.) Communication Research into the Digital Society Fundamental insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. (pp. 33-50). Amsterdam University Press.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., Beyens, I., Bij de Vaate, Jansen, L., van der Wal, A. (2023). Person-Specific Media Effects. In P. Neijens (Ed.) Communication Research into the Digital Society Fundamental insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. (pp. 233-247) Amsterdam University Press.

  • Beyens, I., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2023). Children’s media use and its relation to attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In D. Lemish (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media (2nd ed.). Routledge.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2022). Theoretical foundations of social media uses and effects. In Nesi, J., Telzer, E., & Prinstein, M.J. (Eds.). Handbook of Adolescent Digital Media Use and Mental Health. Cambridge University Press.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2019). The differential susceptibility to media effects model. In E. Sharrer (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. & Oliver, M.B. (2019). Media effects: An overview. In J. Bryant, A. Raney, & M.B. Oliver. Media effects: Advances in Theory and Research, 4th edition (pp. 16-35) Routledge.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Peter, J. (2018). Pubers en sociale media. In L. Gunning (Ed.) Heel de mens. Amsterdam University Press.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2016). Opvoeding en nieuwe media [Parenting and new media]. In M.H. van IJzendoorn & H. de Frankrijker. Pedagogiek in beeld. Houten, the Netherlands: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

  • Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2014). Media use and effects in childhood. To appear in J. Nussbaum (Ed.), Handbook of Life Span Communication (pp. 93-112). New York: Peter Lang.

  • Piotrowski, J.T., Vossen, H.G.M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2015). Media and child development. In J. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 ed., Vol 15, pp. 1–10). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

  • Fikkers, K., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Reasons for consuming violent entertainment. In M. Easton (Ed.). Encyclopedia of media violence (pp.318-320). New York: Sage.

  • Huizinga, M., Nikkelen, S.W.C., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). Children’s mediause and its relation to attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In D. Lemish (Ed.),The Routledge Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media. London: Routledge.

  • Calvert, S.L., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). The influence of television, video games and the internet on children's creativity. In Taylor M. (Ed.), Oxford handbook of the development of imagination (pp. 438-450). New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). The effects of internet communication on adolescents' psychosocial development: An assessment of risks and opportunities. In E. Scharrer (Ed.) Media Effects/Media Psychology (pp.678-697). San Francisco, CA: Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Buijzen, M. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2013). The intended and unintended effects of advertising on children. In E. Scharrer (Ed.) The international encyclopedia of media studies. – Volume 5: Media Effects/Media Psychology. San Francisco, CA: Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. & Calvert, S.L. (2012). Media and the child’s developing imagination. In D.G. Singer & J.L. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of children and the media (pp. 157-170). New York: Sage.

  • Baumgartner, S.E., Valkenburg, P.M., & Peter, J. (2012). Unwanted online sexualsolicitation and online sexual risk behavior. In Z. Yan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of CyberBehavior Volume 2 (pp. 828-836). Yan, Z. (2012). IGI Global.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Peter, J. (2011). Internet effects. In R. J. R. Levesque (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 1471-1476). New York: Springer.

  • Peter, J. & Valkenburg P.M. (2011). Adolescents’ online privacy: Toward a developmental perspective. In S. Trepte & L. Reinecke (Eds.), Privacy online: Theoretical approaches and research perspectives on the role of privacy in the social web (pp. 221-234). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Peter, J. (2010). Online communiceren. In R. Pijpers en J. De Haan, (eds.), Jonge kinderen en nieuwe media. Den Haag: SWP.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Peter, J. (2009). Internet and social connectedness. In H. Reis & S. K. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relations. New York: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2008). Media use and child development. In W. Donsbach (Ed.),International Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. 3004-3008). Blackwell Publishing. Oxford UK: Blackwell.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2008). Fantasy / imagination. In W. Donsbach (Ed.),International Encyclopedia of Communication (pp.1735-1737). Blackwell Publishing. Oxford UK: Blackwell.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. & Buijzen, M. (2008). Fear responses to media entertainment. In S. Calvert and B. Wilson (Eds.). The Blackwell Handbook of Children, Media, andDevelopment (pp. 334-352). Oxford, UK: Blackwell

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2007). Imagination, effects of television on. In J. J. Arnett (Ed.),Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 393-395). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2007). Consumer development, phases of. In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 214-216). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Buijzen, M. (2007). Advertising, purchase requests and. In J. J.Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 47-48).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Buijzen, M. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2007). Purchase influence attempts (PIA’s). In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 683-684). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2007). Advertising, parent-child conflict and. In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 43-44).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2007). Advertising intended and unintended effects of. In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents and the Media (pp. 43-44). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., Schouten, A.P., & Peter, J. (2006). Jongeren en hunidentiteitsexperimenten op Internet. In J. de Haan & C. van ’t Hof (eds.), De digitale generatie: Jaarboek ICT en samenleving 2006 (pp. 47-58). Amsterdam: Boom.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. & Peter, J. (2006). Fantasy and imagination. In J. Bryant & P.Vorderer (Eds.), The psychology of entertainment (pp. 105-117). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2005). Effects of interactive media. In C.B. Fisher, & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Applied developmental science: An encyclopedia of research, policies, and programs (pp. 602-605). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2005). The effects of advertising on children and adolescents. In C.B. Fisher, & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), Applied developmental science: An encyclopedia of research, policies, and programs (pp. 49-51). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Cantor, J. (2002). The development of a child into a consumer. In S. Calvert, C. Cocking, & A. Jordan (Eds.), Children in the digital age. (pp. 201-214) New York: Praeger.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2001). Children’s creativity and television use. In J.R. Schement (Ed.), Macmillan encyclopedia of communication and information (pp. 139-143).Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2001). Video and computer games and the Internet. In J.R. Schement (Ed.), Macmillan encyclopedia of communication and information (pp. 1058-1062). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2001). Children’s preferences for media content. In J.R. Schement (Ed.), Macmillan encyclopedia of communication and information (pp. 143-147). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (2000). Television and children’s developing imagination. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Children and the Media (pp.121-134). Newbury Park: Sage

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Cantor, J. (2000). Children’s likes and dislikes of entertainment programs. In D. Zillmann & P. Vorderer (Eds.), Media entertainment: The psychology of its appeal (pp. 135-152). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

  • Walma van der Molen, J.H., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2000). Geweld op televisie en in video- en computerspellen. In T.W.J. Schulpen, G. Cluckers, M. Meijer, R. Kohnstamm, R. Willemaers, J. Rispens, & G.A. Bakker (Eds.), Handboek kinderen en adolescenten: Vol. 17. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Van der Voort, T.H.A. (2000). Stimulation oder Reduktion: Theoretische Positionen und empirische Ergebnisse zur Auswirkung des Fernsehens auf das Phantasiespiel. In S. Hoppe-Graff & R. Oerter (Eds.), Spielen und Fernsehen (pp.155-178). München, Germany: Juventa-Verlag.

  • Valkenburg, P.M. (1999). Television and creativity. In M. Runco & S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity: Volume II (pp. 651-658). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Milikowski, M. (1998). Leve de Communicatiewetenschap [Long live Communication Science]. In A. Gevers (Ed.), Uit de zevende: 50 Jaar politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (pp. 186-191). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Van der Voort, T.H.A. (1993). De invloed van televisie kijken op het fantasiespel. In R. de Groot, E. Hakfoort, & H. Rost (Eds.), Speelblokken (pp.3500-1 -3500-9). Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson Tjeenk Willink.

  • Valkenburg, P.M., & Hellendoorn, J. (1992). Fantasie [Fantasy]. In T. W. J. Schulpen et al. (Eds.), Handboek kinderen en adolescenten: Vol. 17 (pp. 1-17). Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.